The Network Marketing ABC | The Network Marketing Basics Explained By Frazer Brookes

The Network Marketing ABC | The Network Marketing Basics Explained By Frazer Brookes

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The Network Marketing ABC | The Network Marketing Basics Explained By Frazer Brookes

Frazer Brookes here and in today’s video I want to share with you The Network Marketing ABC and how to keep things super, super simple in Network Marketing. So here we go: The Network Marketing Basics Explained By Frazer Brookes:

The Network Marketing ABC is a simple framework and process that will help you build your Network Marketing Business.

Traditionally the ABC means: “ALWAYS BE CLOSING”; however, in Network Marketing the ABC of The Network Marketing ABC stands for: “ALWAYS BE CONNECTING” and that is because in Network Marketing there is no way you can CLOSE someone until you actually open up a CONNECTION!

On Social Media that is an absolutely fundamental skill “TO CONNECT” hence this video’s title reflects its importance as BASICS – The Network Marketing Basics Explained By Frazer Brookes.

As far as The Network Marketing Basics Explained By Frazer Brookes here are 3 steps you need to implement as a framework when building your business:

✅ #1 of The Network Marketing ABC

Creating 1 piece of content/day that makes it very easy for people to connect with you!

✅ #2 of The Network Marketing ABC

Reaching out to 2 people/day to see if they will be open to checking out some information about what you have to offer!

✅ #3 of The Network Marketing ABC

Growing your list by at least 3 people/day!

I really hope that today’s video The Network Marketing Basics Explained By Frazer Brookes gave you the required knowledge and understanding on how to utilize The Network Marketing ABC tactics to build and skyrocket your Network Marketing Business!

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