Network Marketing Training - How To Get Paid Even If People DON'T Join Your Business (SECRET Tips)

Network Marketing Training - How To Get Paid Even If People DON'T Join Your Business (SECRET Tips)

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Network Marketing Training - How To Get Paid Even If People DON'T Join Your Business (SECRET Tips)

In this Network Marketing training video I'm going to show you how it is possible to make money even if your prospects don't end up joining your Network Marketing business.

I know it sounds crazy, but this secret Network Marketing strategy will allow you to create an additional stream of income and also earn money when people don't join your MLM opportunity.

A big issue in any business is breaking even on the marketing and advertising.

Traditionally, some Network Marketing professionals would put out an Ad and hope that the revenues from recruits & sales would cover marketing spend and turn a profit.

Unfortunately, usually it does not. Legal Network Marketing businesses don't pay you to recruit. They pay on volume of product sales.

That's why, most Network Marketers are in the hole even before they start thinking of advertising or recruiting, with startup costs, tools, expenses, events and monthly fees.

Throw in advertising costs and other expenses and it's very easy to see why people quit so fast!

Don't even get me started on buying leads for your Network Marketing business.

There's a black hole you'll never dig yourself out of.

Here's a money saving tip: DON'T EVER BUY LEADS.


In Network Marketing, like a regular business, the return on advertising, time or effort is dependent on a lot of factors outside your control.

For example, will your new recruit do enough work or buy enough stuff, so you make your money back from product volume?

This is where a 'Front-End-Offer' would come in handy, as I explain in detail in this Network Marketing training video.

In fact, it's a lot easier to sell a $20 or $50 retail product to someone, than it is to get them to commit to your more expensive product, service, or dedicate the next 4 years of their life to your Network Marketing business opportunity.

The goal of the 'Front-End-Offer' is to have this income cover most, if not all, of your marketing cost while giving your customers an opportunity to get to know you and understand how you do business.

What this means is people are essentially PAYING YOU to become a lead for your primary offer or opportunity!

If you want to know more about this secret strategy and how to apply it in your Network Marketing business, visit:

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⏰ Timestamps In This Video ⏰
0:00 Intro
1:52 The 2 Steps To Recruit People Into Your Business
5:19 Front-End Offer
7:10 My Favorite Type of Front-End Offer
9:46 Free Recruiting Bootcamp