Network Marketers | How to get more views on your YouTube videos

Network Marketers | How to get more views on your YouTube videos

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Network Marketers | How to get more views on your YouTube videos.
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Welcome to my YouTube channel which is dedicated to helping Professional Network Marketers like you, achieve success and grow their businesses through effective video content and optimisation strategies. I'll help you to do it right!

As a Network Marketer, you understand the potential business that comes from building a strong network and generating leads. That's why I am here to provide you with tips and insights on how to optimise your videos for maximum views and exposure in search results.

My content focuses on professional Network Marketers using or thinking of using the amazing YouTube platform to create a following and build their brand, so their Network Marketing business using YouTube grows!

I understand the importance of keyword research and keyword management, and I use advanced keyword search tools to help you identify the most effective long-tail keywords to target.

I feel certain, as a Professional Network Marketer that you are likely to follow the likes of our good friend, Fraser Brookes or perhaps Eric Worre, Jesse-Lee Ward and Ray Higdon, or perhaps all of them! These types of coaches, they tell you that consistency is key! And that is absolutely correct!

What is also true is the quality of the content you are being consistent with, and that what you produce ANSWERS a question, or SOLVES a problem, or OFFERS a solution to what it is your AVATAR (audience) is asking!

This is fundamentally "what gets more views on your video" and this highlights the importance of doing proper keyword research! This is a critical, as consistency and yet, widely overlooked or misunderstood. Don't just make content on what YOU think your audience wants to know. Make content on what YOUR audience is asking questions about and wants answers to!

Having done your research, and knowing your keywords, and knowing your audience, you can now make content that ACTUALLY SPEAKS to your audience, which in-turn feeds into the YouTube algorithm in an optimised way because YouTube wants to answer its users questions by providing videos that DO EXACTLY THAT! Your drive should be to create content that becomes binge-able, creating your community, your following, your raving fans! Because your audience (avatar) then learn to KNOW, LIKE and TRUST, YOU and content that you have produced for THEM - not you - remember!

I help New Network Marketers and Professional Network Marketers, get started on, optimise and grow their presence and business on YouTube by doing things the RIGHT WAY from the outset!

I emphasise the importance of drilling down on your niche within a niche and targeting your content to a specific audience avatar. By doing this, you can attract a loyal following and generate leads for your network marketing business!

So whether you're just starting out or looking to take your Network Marketing Business to the next level, my channel offers valuable insights and strategies to help you achieve success! Don't forget to subscribe and hit the notification bell to stay up-to-date with our latest content.

Grab my FREE Cheatsheet here:
This will help you get started on YOUTUBE the right way and optimise your settings for success!

Here is a professional keyword research tool I use:

And here is another keyword research tool I use:

Both of these keyword research tools are as good as one-another but both have different features that means I utilise both of them. Both of them have FREE trials too.

And check out my other video that is just going to blow up your video views even more!!