[FREE COURSE] Service Delivery for Ecommerce Email Marketing | How I Generated $360,000+ Profit

[FREE COURSE] Service Delivery for Ecommerce Email Marketing | How I Generated $360,000+ Profit

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In this 90 minute long free course & training, I show you exactly how I generated over $360,000 in automated revenue for a previous E-Commerce client of mine using email marketing automation.

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Inside of this video, you're going to learn:

- What is Email Marketing?
- The 5 Basic Automated Email Flows
- The Goals of Each Flow
- The Reverse Pyramid Email Sales Funnel Strategy™️
- How to write Email Copy for E-Commerce & Info-Products
- How to Write Subject Lines
- Value Driven Subject Lines vs. Obscurity Driven Subject Lines
- Content Writing: How to think about content ideas, integration with a brand's voice, story selling structure, value selling & value driven emails
- Imaginative Identification vs. "Ego Attack"™️
- How to Position Discounts & Positioning Your Offers
- What to Charge Your Client & Why
- Emails for Ecom vs. Info-Products
- Time Delays to Use for Each Flow
- Back Population - How to Make Your Client $$$ As Soon As You Go Live
- Plain Text vs. High-Level Design: When to use which and where
- Basic Client Communication Strategies, Onboarding, & Data Reporting
- Popups: Lead magnet basics, Popup Timing, Aggressive vs. Unaggressive, and when to use SMS Capture
- BONUS: How to Guarantee you get paid from your clients & contract stipulations to protect yourself.

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