Attract Customers Like a Magnet: Marketing Strategies To Grow Your Business+Brand (Masterclass 5/5)

Attract Customers Like a Magnet: Marketing Strategies To Grow Your Business+Brand (Masterclass 5/5)

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Publish Date:
6 March, 2025
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THE FINALE of the 5 Core Essentials to Growing Your Creative Freelance Business

We'd love to see you at our 2023 Europe Tour:

This video is but a small taste of our upcoming 2023 Business Clinic Europe Tour; where for 8hrs exclusively with me I will teach you the ins and outs of mastering sales, painlessly pricing, and becoming a subject matter expert who generates leads beyond their expectations.

Apr. 14 – London: Business Clinic
Apr. 15 – London: Personal Branding
Apr. 17 - Warsaw (NEW): Business Clinic
Apr. 19 – Amsterdam: Business Clinic
Apr. 21 – Berlin: Business Clinic
Apr. 22 – Berlin: Personal Branding
Apr. 24 – Bucharest: Business Clinic
Apr. 26 – Porto (NEW): Business Clinic
Apr. 28 – Barcelona: Business Clinic
Apr. 29 – Barcelona: Personal Branding

If you are in Europe, we can't wait to see you there!

Business Clinic Playlist (all 5 parts):

🚀 Futur Accelerator
The step-by-step blueprint and coaching program designed to get your creative business off the ground:

🥇 Futur Pro
The professional creative community designed to grow your personal brand, your business, and your network:

✍️ Other Courses, Templates, and Tools:

🎙 The Futur Podcast:

Recommended books, tools, music, resources, typefaces & more:

Music by Epidemic Sound:

Shorts Playlist:


We love getting your letters. Send them here:
The Futur c/o Chris Do
1702 Olympic Blvd.
Santa Monica, CA 90404

*By making a purchase through any of our affiliate links, we receive a very small commission at no extra cost to you. This helps us on our mission to provide quality education to you. Thank you.

Host: Chris Do
Producer: Mark Contreras
Cinematographers/Editors: Stewart Schuster, MOCS Media, Tasca Studios
Futur Theme Music: Adam Sanborne
Typefaces: Futura, DIN, Helvetica Now, Calibre, Knockout, Champion Gothic

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